Organizational Optimization Tool

Ten Questions to Consider 

Welcome to the Organizational Optimization Tool (OOT), a streamlined 10-item screening questionnaire meticulously crafted to offer leaders and decision-makers a comprehensive assessment of their organization’s effectiveness in harnessing their workforce’s potential and fostering sustainable contributions to overall organizational performance.

Our global score provides an overarching evaluation of the entire organization, offering valuable insights into its overall optimization. Meanwhile, individual responses to each item unveil specific areas of vulnerability and inefficiency, guiding you towards targeted improvements.

Review each statement and select a response based on which you feel best represents your organization. Consider your responses in the context of the past four working weeks.

You will receive a total score out of 40.


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Step 1 of 2
Psychosocial risks in our workplace have been appropriately assessed, recognised and mitigated
Our organization attracts and retains good people/talent
Our people are routinely exposed to periods of severe job demand (e.g., extensive hours, physically/emotionally tiring work, or high workload).
The resilience of our people supports productivity and helps our organization to maintain a high level of quality and commercial performance.
Our managers and people leaders have the skills and means to appropriately engage and support staff they suspect are experiencing a period of compromised mental health.
Our current wellbeing strategies and offerings are meeting the needs of our workforce (e.g., are up to date with technology, being utilised, and causing measurable positive outcomes)
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is considered in all components of our business and our leaders view DEI as key strategic pillars of organizational success.
We have a clear and effective process of resolving interpersonal conflict between team members, which resolves both the immediate challenge and addresses the source.
Our organization knows how to and is prepared to support individuals immediately impacted by organizational change.
Our organization has in place an effective employee listening strategy that measurably keeps us engaged and responsive to employee needs.

Interpreting your Score

**35-40: Optimal Efficiency**

Your organization demonstrates optimal capability in leveraging the input and sustainability of your workforce, supporting the ability for robust commercial outcomes. It is imperative to assess whether this success is intentional or coincidental. Sustaining this rating is crucial for ensuring ongoing positive  outcomes for your people and commercial performance.

**25-34: Positive Operational Performance**

Your organization exhibits strengths in maximizing employee input through robust well-being and people capital initiatives. However, there are identified areas that require a more comprehensive understanding and targeted intervention to prevent inefficiencies in translating your people’s efforts into outcomes.

**16-24: Operational Challenges**

It appears that your organization faces challenges in maximizing employee input and safeguarding their well-being. A thorough review of job design and operational processes is recommended to rectify inefficiencies and mitigate risks to employee welfare. Your organization currently exhibits more psychosocial risks and suboptimal people outcomes compared to industry standards.

**0-15: Critical Improvement Needed**

Your organization must urgently prioritize addressing how it supports its employees to prevent further psychosocial injury, turnover, and potential commercial leakage. Failure to address these issues promptly is likely to result in significant negative outcomes, impacting both performance and the overall reputation of the organization.

Wellbeing Strategies for Today’s Workplace